Self Compassion


I was asked to make a contribution about self compassion for Grace Recovery Austin’s newsletter where I will be teaching and coaching women in recovery when they open their doors in January. This request inspired a letter to myself about self compassion. I realize most of us don't practice self compassion thinking it may not motivate us to keep going after our goals. The opposite is true. It's reflection, evaluation and allowing yourself to rise to the challenge. The more time I spend with myself, the better friend I am, the more connected I am and the more aligned my actions are with my goals.

I hope the letter below resonates with you and you too can open that conversation with yourself during a time of difficulty.

Dear Self,

 I am going to take things slow and breathe deeply.

I am going to love on you just like I’d love my bestie.

I am going to open my heart to you and listen from there.

I am going to let go of any shame or blame. It’s covering up what I need to learn.

In uncovering, I discover parts of me I had never known.

So much to learn, to connect with and understand under this veil.

Some parts need to be seen, some need to be heard and some need healing.

I welcome all of you- the broken, the chipped and the healed.

I celebrate you, whole, as a woman, experiencing her life.

As I love you, I get to know you.

As I get to know you, I realign and rebuild.

I will not be unkind and unfair. I will support you.

I will take deep, full breaths and get into my body and away from the chatter of my ego mind.

I can slow down now to speed up later.

This is my time to just BE with you.

I am by your side, always.

You're My Favorite!



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